Controller aim assist is very strong mind you. Rank has been dead in the entire region of southeast Asia since mid-season 2. Season 6 (September) launched the input based matchmaking and you were able to que kbm lobbies and then switch to controller but not able to que controller lobbies then switch to kbm. Either way to unlock two popular multiplayer and matchmaking for apex legends should have matchmaking, and. Assuming you are not playing on a smurf, EA records multitudes of data about your account, and then weaponizes it. level 1. It's fair for both parties involved. That would completely obliterate any controversy between mouse and keyboard vs. I play on Xbox, but I have both a keyboard & mouse as well as a controller plugged in at all times. It's based on Aim Mode. So it's not input based. No it does not have input based mm. Ranked should have the option to either have input based matchmaking, or allow controller users to join if they disable aim assistance (If users don't disable aim assistance, they're put into aim assisted lobbies). I am consistently matched up with people who are far more skilled than I, my win rate is far lower, and my K/D R is significantly lower. Hey all. Retweets. Pathfinder. There is defiantly enough players for it to work. But, I agree, I would rather have input based matchmaking then system based. Now, Apex Legends may be receiving the biggest change yet in the form of a new matchmaking system. Respawn Entertainment has wanted to bring cross-play multiplayer to Apex Legends for a long, long time now. Even Fifa 22, an EA game, initiates the game in whatever input you click start in then locks it to that. The only reason this game will be able to run in cross play its cause the aim isnt heavy like csgo . Cause other wise cross play. Easy way to make this cross platform not aids. e. Don’t get used to that feeling, however, since each match you play can get relatively more challenging based on how you perform. Skill based matchmaking (SBMM) is a concept for online, competitive gaming where lobbies are formed by taking consideration of a player’s capabilities. After Apex and Warzone I still don't think developers have figured out how to balance console aim assist properly. As most folks using Free Aim would generally be KB+MS users vs Aim Assist being controller users. Obviously it's not the only other way to do it as evidenced by every other crossplay shooter on the market. Legends. Hover over your friend’s tag – it will also have an icon. Apex asked you if you had a good time in your recent match, Fortnite has some thumbs up system, I suspect that data is being used so that the developer can understand churn, and I think the recent introduction of skill based matchmaking into these games, is so that they can reduce player churn by getting ahead of instances where. Input-based matchmaking will increase the wait time that players face in Warzone 2. If controller players can't tap strafe then take them out of the equation. level 1. The argument for skill-based matchmaking in online multiplayer games like Apex Legends is that it helps make online play fairer and more inviting for less-skilled players. The cheating situation in Apex is extremely mild compared to other games. This game NEEDS input based matchmaking. Developers of many games that include Apex also claim it’s near impossible to detect these devices on console and could lead to false bans etc. . with the exception that i almost only solo queue. Fortnite players hope that Epic bring input-based matchmaking in some capacity soon to enable people who want to jump into a few casual games and avoid the sweats on other platforms. I’m done with Warzone 2 until they add input based matchmaking. New Apex Legends skill-based matchmaking system. ago. With the mouse input the way it is, controller is honestly the superior input for this game. Now we get destroyed by players who didn't have to put in the time to get good. For Apex, please show me a controller player competing with high level M&K players. You have to take into consideration that apex is also at the top( in general) for twitch viewers as well. Need input based matchmaking asap as well as coding to detect xim user. I know it didn’t work perfectly but they’ve had 3+ years to work on it. I am now a MNK player. Tired of playing against kb+m cheats all night longThis week, developer Respawn published a blog post pulling the curtain back on Apex Legends skill-based matchmaking, or SBMM. Hey there, let me start with that I know that most of the users here are players of Apex, but this also seems like this is my best chance at getting some communication from the Apex Developer team on their thoughts and actions regarding SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking) as it currently is. Be that a 1, and a 4, or a 2, 3. 1. To do this and more, Respawn is retiring the “old Skill Bases Matchmaking” system for a new one, which they say will more accurately group players based on skill. This game is being plagued by controllers (PC) each day, the only thing I need is Input Based Matchmaking FFS. Maybe I'm missing something here but it just seems like with all the mnk vs controller, and strike pack or hack ruining the game. 1. Apex uses a weak sensitivity adjustment to compensate for the longer fighting ranges, but the stocks increase aim assist strength when enabled. ago. I'll shit on as many of 'em as I can first) add a hidden mmr and matchmake all pools together according to that while adjusting keyboard users to a higher bracket. Queue in Tokyo has been around 15 - 30 seconds since the beginning, with both the previous matchmaking and the current cancer. In addition to the custom bindings, Epic has confirmed input-based matchmaking. I can’t understand why the developers have fallen back on the excuse that input based matchmaking won’t work because people can switch inputs mid game. GGRecon’s article on the subject of SBMM in Apex Legends cited the pros and cons of. 4. This will allow us to more rapidly improve Apex Legends’ matchmaking across the board. I don’t get why they can’t do it based off of input device like MW2019 does. Need input based matchmaking asap as well as coding to detect xim user. Putting aside cynicism, it makes me wonder if we are getting some. Because a controller is not a platform, it’s cross platform so console plays can play with pc players, you can’t plug a keyboard and mouse into an Xbox and have it work in game, I’ve tried. You will be queued with the input type you press the “Play” or "Ready" button with. Dinomite • Additional comment actions. So the game mixes in 1 or 2 bads with 1 or 2 good players to even it out. It’s a fairly common concept that is employed by most shooters, especially Battle Royale-style games where you have large lobbies. New Apex Legends skill-based matchmaking system. Last thought here. Normalizes the average skill level of players on a single team such that no individual feels like the entire game is on their shoulders. This would have no negative impact to players except possibly longer queue times for people that opt into it. The concept ensures that. I am not one of those people. No input based mm, sbmm or even kbm support for consoles. ago. Our former matchmaking system categorized players into four discrete (including one for new player) skill buckets. Kill_Sweep • 7 mo. Rank) in Halo 3 and reached the maximum level on Halo Reach, I played a lot of Team SWAT with AA off and I have played Apex on controller too, so I know pretty much wtf Im talking about. And for competitive people like me, I would. all I want is to have the ability to opt out from crossplay and play against players of my input, an AA nerf or removal is something that will absolutely. · 2 yr. "Input-Based Matchmaking We have an upgrade to our matchmaking logic that will allow for a more even playing field when enjoying Fortnite with your input device of choice. Shortest version is that its PC vs Xbox. Some things Respawn is hoping to improve in terms of skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) are the way the matchmaking algorithm works in Ranked vs. Until they add console MnK support and balance console and PC controller (same aim assist and no steam configs), this will never happen. The developers have claimed Apex runs on "Skill-Based MatchMaking", but the playerbase doesn't believe it, as a few moment in-game reveal that the game isn't sorting by Skill in ANY capacity. Yet Halo allows you to queue against other Solo Queuers or Duo Queue offering protection against full teams or premades in RANKED. By. This is also why when you queue with 2 people, the third you get is ALWAYS trash. According to these results, a lot more players on the test server were able to nab a kill in a single BR game than on the regular matchmaking servers. 0 coins. Modern Warfare II does not support input-based matchmaking. The matchmaking is predominantly based off of placement - the higher you place, the better lobbies you get put in. Allows newer players to have fun when first joining a game (especially an established game) late. let me add more stuff: input based matchmaking Aim assist balanced, nowhere near as strong as COD/HALO/APEX LEGENDS No Skill Based Matchmaking Ranked at launch like mf, everything people have been asking for is LITERALLY in this game and yet people dont try it or hate on it… Show more. Because the game doesn't lock you to one input device during matches, you can use Steam's controller settings to put keyboard macros on your. Let mkb players be allowed to only play against their same input and also allow controller players to play against their same input. Advertisement Coins. Personally, I think ALL crossplay should be input based. It works by tracking a player's MMR (Match Making Rating) and a variance value, describing how accurate that MMR is. Tired of playing against kb+m cheats all night long. There is no input based matchmaking so you play against both inputs in pc lobbies . Or just have console cross play, don’t include PC. As part of its “State of Development” for Fortnite this month, the studio has announced that it will roll out “input-based matchmaking” which means that the game will match KB+M players with players that are using the same control set up and so on. Nice. You'd think input based matchmaking would solve some of it. While obviously not perfect it can help in a lot of instances and I think just improving on that would be better than just cutting out a whole platform. A friend and I got up to pred. You can use a controller and aim just fine. Apex Legends Skill Based Matchmaking, or "Apex SBMM" needs to be fixed in Season 13Join the Members Club For Apex Giveaways: Twi. SBMM (or random assignment if they really wanted) is one of many input variables into the model. Press J to jump to the feed. And thnen split them. xolinlevh • 6 mo. 1. Just as a background, I’ve solo queued up to Masters in Apex a few times and was Immortal in Valorant when I played; so I would consider myself above average with the mouse, but even in high skill lobbies I’ve been dropping consistent 2+ K/Ds just. The more matches you play, the lower variance you'll get, meaning that your MMR will be more accurate and you'll get matched. I. The "skill based" matchmaking in pubs is the worst I have ever experienced in any game . 479. They should just retain input-based matchmaking, if you're on controller and you queue with a PC friend, your PC friend's input should be the one that takes priority in matchmaking you guys, so if he's on MKB you're gonna get 0 aim assist lobbies. The state of the game is upsetting and I have reached the point where I doubt I'll be playing Apex for awhile now. The best option is to separate the players based on the input method. Controller vs Controller. Go to title screen, wait two minutes, enter accessibility menu, leave menu, then you'll see the R3 button icon and Data Center, press R3 and select the data center with the lowest ping. So expect to get stomped for 19 games in a row before they put you into a lower skill level lobby where you actually stand a chance of winning. So you are 100% right, EOMM is an. Ever since I seem to be exclusively put in controller lobbies. I mean the controllers get a insane amount of aim assist, I’m a mouse and. . You, as a console player, shouldn't automatically be matched with KB/M players unless. And give us a server browser already so we can find a game and populate it ffs. Apex Legends continues to be one of the most popular battle royale game’s out there. Players using a keyboard and mouse on PlayStation 4 will now be put into the PC matchmaking pool, and not in the PS4. Having played on console this weekend instead of PC it's clear AA on console is a little much. It’s been over a year since the PS5 and Series X|S launched, and still we have no proper updates for these new consoles, while many competitive shooters locked in those 120hz performance modes a long time ago. Also if call of duty can implement it why can't apex ?It has often occurred to the Apex Legends community if the game uses a skill-based matchmaking System (SBMM) or not. Skill Based Matchmaking or SBMM is a system where similarly skilled players are. The team building part of matchmaking is pretty frustrating when you solo and has a lot of people complaining. "Keeps extremely good players from constantly stomping on new or bad players. So you've got your 1, your 4, and yourself the 5 - You queue up. I would do anything to disable crossplay or have input based matchmaking. . Apex Legends Battle royale game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game. Access Trailhead, your Trailblazer profile, community, learning, original series, events, support, and more. level 2. I own both a PC and Xbox and have traditionally played Apex on the Xbox. controller. •. Input Based Matchmaking. The developer also. Difference in future between next gen consoles @120hz and PC on controller is nothing. NFL. Now I don't mind trying my hardest in rank. Your daily reminder that this game is rigged. I don't like it that way to be honest unless you're in a pre-made party. The. Apex Predators should never be able to de-rank to bronze. 3. . The only other way of doing it would be input based lobbies. The Input based matchmaking of Fortnite or COD would be great in Apex, too. Experiences Trailblazer Account. If controller players can't tap strafe then take them out of the equation. Skill-based matchmaking isn’t a singular object, but rather a set of systems put into place that helps govern how a game places players into lobbies and pits them against other players. Include the APEX assigned number or list of numbers to which you want to be. • 10 mo. So if cross play was really based on k&m vs controller, it would be pc players against pc players and console players. Devs should let us console players to use mouse and keyboard. Does anyone know how matchmaking works based on input/platform? QUESTION. Because I'm a diamond player on 2 platforms and the apex tracker says only 5% was in diamond last season therefore there is a lot that is below me in rank. optional input lobbies should exist. Created Nov 18, 2018. How to add friends on apex legends crossplay. If controller players can't tap strafe then take them out of the equation. Although I don't have high hopes. . Most of other battle royale games have implemented input based match making and it seems to be no problem. There would probably be fewer complaints if skill-based matchmaking was only used in the ranked mode, but Respawn refuses to make that change for one simple reason: skill-based matchmaking in both modes works (at least, according to their data). As in, slows your sensitivity when on target and/or speeding it up when near target. Before reading further, I understand the frustration controller players have because I was a controller player my entire life (since age 13) until I picked up Apex Legends 2 years ago. ~ If you feel like you don’t belong in the lobbies. It's new season and my friends and I were hoping for console players being able to play on keyboard and mouse. Ottr dissects the Apex Matchmaking by analyzing and going over a research post from Reddit🔴Watch me on Twitch: 3 Stacking Breaks. I don't see the point of it trying to match-make based on input type. Then it hit me - is skill based matchmaking a thing? For context, I have a 2. The game in pubs tries to match you against a fair match. Join. Apex has a huge controller/aim assist issue too because it's so strong up close and even at mid ranges. It wouldn't be very hard either to implement some kind of skill based matchmaker Apex. So what's the hold up?Yes, Apex Legends features skill-based matchmaking in its game modes. We have an upgrade to our matchmaking logic that will allow for. Apex Legends has a dedicated ranked mode, pitting players against. Keep it to casual lobbies, open it up, make it input based (or not, i couldnt care less if I get pwnd here and there by a keyboard user. It's time to update your game and get with the timesApex Legends is making changes to Matchmaking system (SBMM) for 2023, let us break it [email protected] wrote: from the Xim dev himself: "We know our usage numbers and what games people are playing with their XIM APEX devices. I felt in MW they were about equal. Is the matchmaking input based ? : apexlegends 0 Posted by 4 years ago Is the matchmaking input based ? I looked around for answer didn't find them so I am asking. Adding friends across platforms is super simple, and can be achieved in just a few steps: Go to your friends list, and select ‘Find Friend’. Meanwhile Ranked matches you based on your rank.